Adopt Now
The Adoption Process & What To Expect
At Freedom Retrievers, we want to provide the tools to assist you in this big decision. Adding a dog is not simply adding another mouth to feed and a body to clean up after. When it’s done well, with planning and preparations and a goal in mind, you add a family member.
We want to show you the process when you adopt from Freedom Retrievers and join our family.
The first step in receiving an English Cream Golden Retriever is filling out our Adoption Application Form, which is found below. Once completed, you should expect an email from us indicating that we have received your application and will review it.
At this time, we will traditionally reach out via email and schedule a time to have a phone interview. This chat ensures we will be a good fit for one another. It’s an opportunity for you to learn more about Freedom Retrievers for us to know more about you and what you are looking for in a dog. We want to ensure all our puppies go to safe, loving homes and are happy with their newest family member.
When delivery begins, you can expect to be notified via a group text, letting you know things are happening. I take pics throughout the delivery and send them to the group. When all is completed, and we have healthy, happy pups on the ground, and mom is recovering with a bevy of calcium support, we will begin our 8-week journey with your future companion.
This final week is a busy one. Your new companion will be busy socializing in the community, meeting ideally 100 different people, seeing and smelling many new things, and learning more about the big world. They will take a car trip to the vet for health exams and initial vaccinations. They will have a bath and another nail trim in preparation for the big day.
Retriever Day! The big day is quickly approaching; hopefully, you feel prepared and excited. We will have three days in which to schedule your personal Retriever Day. When the time comes, you will review and sign the final contract. I will be there to answer any questions you may have. This will be a fun time to begin bonding with your new companion. We will take a new family photo and send you on your way with your fluffer bum. You will also receive a “Take Me Home” bag with a food sample, toys, treats, a leash, poop bags and more.
Are you excited?
Getting a new dog is scary, fun, and exciting all at the same time. If you are ready to begin your adoption journey, please fill out the form below.